Our next major software release

StyleShoots is by far the easiest to use photo machine on the market, and we’re not changing that. But we are going to introduce some changes to the way StyleShoots works.

Over the course of the last years, we’ve been getting a lot of feedback and feature requests. We’ve also observed how our customers use the system. That has made us better understand how StyleShoots fits into companies’ overall content production workflow.


Better quality assurance

Our first key insight was that the stylist is the first person that can ensure the quality of your photos. And she may want to shoot a few different versions before exporting, to find the best look. But if the files are saved immediately, she has no chance to compare or correct mistakes.


Better workflow

Our second insight came from the requests we got for better file management. When we put it all together, there was a list of features we wanted to add:

  • The ability to review photos before they are exported.
  • The ability to rename and delete files before export.
  • Greater flexibility in turning Export Presets on and off on the fly, including the built in ones.
  • The freedom to choose your export destination *after* you’ve taken the shots.
  • The ability to take photos even if you currently don’t have any storage devices at hand.

File management belongs outside StyleShoots.

Ultimately we took a key decision: File management belongs outside StyleShoots. Instead of turning your photo machine into a digital asset management system, we chose to make a very clear workflow:

  1. Take photos right away. No need to navigate through folders any more.
  2. Take as many photos as you want. They are all kept temporarily  by the system.
  3. Once you are ready to export your photos, go to the all new “Photos” screen.
  4. Here you can rename, delete and even add to Overlays straight away.
  5. Press Export, and all your photos are pushed to your storage of choice. You can change the destination and even which Export Presets you want, but you don’t have to.
  6. Take more photos…!

The new workflow is more efficient and ultimately leads to better images.

By letting the stylist review the photos before export, you ultimately get better photos and avoid the editing department working on the wrong files prematurely.

As always, we will keep improving the 3.0 version as we go. We are really excited about this major new release, and we hope you’ll love it too. The new software will start rolling out in May 2015 to all customers on maintenance contract.


Happy photographing,

The StyleShoots team